Tuesday, September 9, 2008

By the power of three

I have so many things to write about and so little time. I really want to put down all of the magical events that I went through this weekend but I've chosen to write about what is happening to me right now.
As our weekend came to a close my sisters and I stopped at the beach as a way to thank the Great Mother and to end our experience in our own way. While there we formed a circle and praised each other for our deeds, but especially for who we are and not what we had done. As our time drew to an end our Mama Rabbit said that she felt that in three days time the power of what we had gone through would hit us fully. Tomorrow will be day three. I don't know if I'm ready for it.
Since as long as I can remember I have often had a reoccuring dream. What is often the case, I just figured it was one of those things that just happen to everyone, until I came into an understanding as a witch that these things are magical and should never be taken lightly. My dream that I have is always the same theme but depending on my current life situation the emotions can change. I am always near the ocean or sea and I belong there. I'm familiar with the people and the surroundings. There are houses that I can only describe as the one's simular to the Native American adobe cliff houses, But the historical significance and location are something that I don't know yet. And then there's the water. A tsunami is coming and it's a knowledge that there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. There is no way to save ourselves and no way to escape what is going to happen so we are all remaining where we are and accepting our fate. In some of the dreams there is a feeling of sadness or horror that my people will die like this and sometimes I'm at peace and sit at the waters edge waiting for the wave. AND THERE IS ALWAYS A WAVE!!! A big bitch that is coming straight at us. She is so large that the sky will start to darken and turn that really awesome shade of steely blue. Sometimes I stay in the dream long enough for the wave to actually come over my head and other times I escape into a dream that has nothing to do with my tsunami dream.
So, okay, yesterday was the first full day of my being home from the gathering. I pretty much expected that this old bag of bones would require some recoup time, which it did. I spent as little energy as I could actually moving my body and tried to get into touch with what parts would need further comfort. I had this whole body tingle thing going on, almost like I feel when I'm first given anesthesia but not yet asleep. Because of the gentle urgings of Rabbit I have read The Oracle, which is about the Priestess of Delphi and I know that she inhaled the sweet purfume of the Goddess before any type of prophetic workings. What she was inhaling was actually a natural gas that later was used as an anesthetic. So I took this tingle thing as a sign and closed my eyes, asking over and over as a mantra what I was supposed to know. Low and behold I fell asleep and had my tsunami dream. When I woke up I was disoriented and clumsy and had a big whopping headache. Getting dinner for me and Dakota was a chore because I'm not really sure I was even in a position to be driving, but mother's are mothers and their children need food.
Today I was feeling a bit better. My body protested less and I woke up earlier than I usually do. Around 3pm, like yesterday, I became so tired that I couldn't fight the pull of sleep. Again, the tsunami dream. This time all was very intense. The wind was brutal and it was hard to hold myself upright. My entire Amazon Priestess group was there with me and we were all laughing and singing and basically doing exactly what we were doing on the beach Sunday. I have never before seen anyone that I know or recognize in my dream. And this wave was coming. And she was a monster of a wave. So large that she eclipsed the sun but there we were, singing and hugging and smiling at each other.
When I woke up I felt like I was still under water. The tingle thing was rushing all throughout my body and at first I thought I was having a low bloodsugar. I fought the numb feeling in my body to get to my glucometer but my sugars were normal. It's been over an hour now since I awoke but I'm still in that state where I'm not really here. I keep having to read what I've typed so I don't repeat myself and if I have, well, we all just have to get over that. lol. I've made myself some tea and I'm eatting a pear, which I think is a fruit from the Goddess. Not only does it taste oh so sweet, but it's kinda shaped just like my body is right now.
My fear, and it's a big one right now, is that if Rabbit thinks that what is happening will only get stronger by tomorrow then I don't honestly know if I can survive this. I know that I'm good with words and all that yadda yadda crap, but I know with all certainty that I am NOT getting the magnitude of what I am feeling across here. It's huge. It's powerfull. And I still don't know what the hell it means! Or what I'm supposed to be getting out of this. It seems like things are becoming clearer for others that went through this experience with me. So why am I a big bundle of tingle goo that doesn't have any physical energy to do mundane things and I keep falling asleep?
Oh, and tomorrow my husband doesn't work and will most likely be around while I'm experiencing day three. He's definitly going to have a cup of "What the fuck." if I have some kind of power surge or something. Good thing he loves me anyway!


Anonymous said...

First of all- can anyone be with Kismet tomorrow so she is not alone? Or, Kismet- want to come hang around the store with Otter and Suzanne and I tomorrow? I'm free till about 3-ish if you want to come at 11.

Second possibility: Kismet- can you get to the ocean tomorrow in any way possible? Even if none of us can be with you. Can you even suggest to hubby that the two of you go on a drive to the beach and enjoy a little time by the ocean? She has a powerful gift for you. She downloaded it into you when we stood there on Sunday afternoon and we were in our full power as a tribe. Only you will know what it is when it appears.

I really, really encourage you to not be afraid. Well, rather, I guess what I need to say is that it's OK to be afraid, but keep going on your path anyway. Fear loses power when we plow through it. The tsunami is the wave of your unconscious mind and all the magic she contains washing over you in a way that you- finally- can't ignore ever again. To become a High Priestess is to commit to walking the path for life. In the past you have been on the path, then off, then on again. You have discovered, then lost, then rediscovered. And now there is no going back. So the wave represents your power coming home, and all of us there- singing, dancing, laughing- we will be there to help you, too.

I think that part of the point of this fear is to try to get you to NOT feel so good about all the good feeling stuff you experienced this weekend. I think part of the point of the fear is that you know that things in your life can and MUST change and improve, as they steadily have been since you started this journey. I also think part of the point of this fear is to test you and see how tough you are.

And we know you are like titanium, but plated with the most precious gold. Love you.

Mama Ladybug said...

I love you, Kismet, so very much, and I hope today is a day you look back on in the future with astonishment and joy. Please let us all know how it went... I will call after work, too.