Friday, August 1, 2008


Daylight breaks her sleep and fast
Dining on guilt and regressions
Her focus doesn't last
Only noticing her imperfections

Notice her bow low to the weight of the world
On her shoulders a flag of defeat in unfurled
While wanderlust entangles in her minds eye
Duty and servitude exclude her from the shy
Her work and her love is never finished
So the spirit inside becomes deminished

Fires of creation fueled by desire
Leads a march to your funeral pyre
You walked like a God in this space
With dignity and catlike grace
How greatfull the Heavens must be
To spend with you all of eternity

I know who you are
I have seen you before
Evermore you will be burned into my iris
Forgotten not when our time has passed
Something strange and forshadowed
I was told of your coming

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